Priit Vesilind
Priit Vesilind is an Estonian and American senior writer and photojournalist of National Geographic magazine and an author of nonfiction.
Priit Vesilind, 74, was born in Tallinn-Pirita and left Estonia with his parents in the summer of 1944. The family lived in the Geislingen Displaced Persons camp in Germany until 1949, when they emigrated to the United States, to a small town near Pittsburgh.
Presentation "Estonians in America - 1945-1995, Exiles in a Land of Promise"
I am the editor and designer of the book "Estonians in America--1945-1995, Exiles in a Land of Promise," published by the Estonian American National Council (EANC) in 2016. This was the long-awaited documentary about the exile generation of Estonians who arrived in the United States from German DP camps in the late 1940s and early 1950s. My presentation will examine the background of this project, the difficulties of delivering it, and the value it should have for Estonians-Americans, academics, and many others interested in Baltic peoples. Through projecting select pages of the book, I will explain and discuss the organization and
Book "Estonians in America 1945-1995, Exiles In A Land of Promise" cover