Taavi Teplenkov shares his thoughts about Cultural Days
Taavi Teplenkov performing at New York Estonian House (2016)
“I was in constant dread of performing in New York, since the piece is based just in such a top restaurant. Up to then, I had played “We are Fully Booked” over 200 times in Estonia and was thinking: “Who am I to go to the experts and perform in front of them in their hometown?” That was also going to be my first trip to that side of the ocean. Up until then the only experience that I had had with the US was through TV.
Fortunately, my fears proved groundless – my reception was super and the audience got the jokes very well . When we got to the New York Estonian House for the first time after an 18-hour trip, we were exhausted and, like typical Estonians, not the best of company. And I totally had no clue who these, pretty much, lunatics were who were running around the house, smiling, being friendly and speaking in Estonian ! A very cool place and a rocking event! And the energy!!! Like magic, a stage and sets appeared out of nowhere! Our performance was delayed since the previous performer was better than expected. I remember where we had about 10 minutes to check the sound and stage. Of course we found out that the record player didn’t meet the necessary specifications and we were off on a wild goose chase around the House, pulling in every CD, DVD, you name it – someone even ran home to see what they could find! Usually, before performing this piece, I’m totally strung out, needing rest & relaxation. This time I was sitting in the middle of the stage laughing and reassuring Kadri (the coordinator) that it was no use wringing her hands in panic – there’s no way we can get started without sound ! At any rate, this was a totally refreshing and rocking experience! And of course NYC – I’ll be back!
Taavi Teplenkov (Performer from the Dramatic Theatre in the 2016 Cultural Days)
"Ma kohutavalt kartsin New Yorgis mängimist, sest tüki tegevus toimub just ühes sealses tipprestoranis. Selleks hetkeks olin “Kõik on täis” etendust Eestis mänginudüle 200 korra ning nüüd tundsin, et kuidas ma lähen ja hakkan spetsialistidele nende kodulinna etendust etendama. See oli ka minu esimene sõit sinna poole ookeani. Senine kogemus Ameerikaga piirdus televiisori vahendusel.
Õnneks minu hirmud olid asjata- vastuvõtt oli super ja publik noppis nalju välja väga hästi:) Kui me pärast kaheksateist tunnist sõitu esimest korda New Yorgi Eesti majja saabusime, olime väsinud ja eht eestlase kombel ka mitte kõige sümpaatsemad tegelased:) Ja ma ei saanud üldse aru, kes need heasmõttes hullud mööda maja ringi jooksevad, kädistavad, naeratavad, on sõbralikud ja räägivad eesti keeles:)!!! Väga lahe koht ja väga äge üritus! Ja see energia!!! Nagu võlu väel kerkis ei millestki lava ja lavakujundus! Tase!:) Meie etenduse algus viibis, sest eelmine esineja oli oodatust edukam. Mäletan, et meil oli vist u.10 minutit aega, et tehnika ja lava üle kontrollida.Loomulikult selgus, et helimehel plaadimängija ei toimi ja siis läks lahti...toodi üle maja tehnikat kokku, kõik cd, dvd ja muud mängijad, keegi jooksis isegi koju! Tavaliselt, enne seda etendust, olen kohutavalt närvis, vajan rahu ja aega. Nüüd ma istusin keset lava naerul nägu ning rahustasin Kadri (korraldaja), et ega paanikas kätega vehkimisest kasu pole- ilma helita me pihta ikka ei hakka :) Igatahes oli see väga värskendav ja äge kogemus! Ja muidugi NYC i'll be back!
- Taavi Teplenkov (2016. aastal Kultuuripäevadel osalenud Draamateatri näitleja)