Lembe Lokk shares her thoughts about the Estonian Cultural Days 2016
Lembe Lokk
Lembe Lokk is an Estonian-born singer, composer, actress and a poet currently based in Paris, France. She presented her music and poetry at the Estonian Cultural Days 2016, accompanied by two New York-based musicians Charlie Rauh and David Rothenberg.
"New Yorgi Kultuuripäevadel osalemine oli mulle kui väliseestlasele eriliselt rikastav kogemus. Ma vaatlen oma loomingus palju just seda kultuurinihet, mis tekib võõral maal elades, teisest küljest oli huvitav jälgida, kuidas teises kultuuris elavad kaasmaalased seda omakorda tõlgendavad. Peale selle vennastusime nii mõnegi saatusekaaslasega, otsekui looks võõrsil elamine mingi omaette territooriumi ja teineteisemõistmise: sellelt pinnalt on tekkinud juba mitu uut sõprust ja põnevat koostööd!" - Lembe Lokk (Pariis, Prantsusmaa)
"For me, as an Estonian émigré, performing at the New York Cultural Days was an especially rewarding experience. In my creative work, I look especially at the cultural transition that can take place when one lives in a foreign country; from the other side of the coin, it is interesting to follow how fellow countrymen living in a different culture see this. Besides, we were able to fraternize with quite a few compatriots; it’s almost as though being an expatriate created a community and mutual understanding on its own between all of us: from this new territory has already emerged many new friendships and intriguing collaborations." - Lembe Lokk (Paris, France, translated by Kaarel Laev)
The registration for Estonian Cultural Days 2017 is open, check out our lineup of performers, events and register today.